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Meaning of X, Y, Z, Z+ and SPG SPG Category Security in India

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In a bid to protect individuals, the Government, on inputs shared by the Intelligence department provides several levels of security. Such security is provided to protect them from any internal anti-social elements and sometimes from external agencies as well. Upon analyzing the dangers, the security classification is separated into five groups and assigned to an individual. SPG, Z+, Z, Y, X, and more protection classifications are available.

Meaning of X, Y, Z, Z+ and SPG SPG Category Security in India

When there is a potential risk to Celebrities or recognized individuals, it is the government’s job to offer protection. An individual who feels threatened submits a request at the nearest police station, after which the case is forwarded to intelligence services to determine the risk presented to the individual.

Whenever a danger is verified, a panel comprised of the state’s Home Secretary, Director General, and Chief Secretary determines whether the level of protection is appropriate for that individual. Following that, the individual’s information is forwarded to the Union Home Ministry for official permission.

Let us now get in-depth into each category of security provided to many recognized individuals across the country. 

SPG Security

This degree of protection is provided to the Prime Minister of India, previous PMs of India, and representatives of their previous family members all over the globe since it offers maximum protection. Following the tragedy of former PM Indira Gandhi, there was a strong demand for something similar. 

It was established in 1988 by an Act of the Indian Parliament.  The Central Government has complete control over the SPG Group. The unit’s commander, designated as the Director, is an IPS official who is in charge of command and entire oversight of the SPG Company.

Z+ Security

It provides enhanced security shielding slightly under the SPG. This safety protection protects a 55-member staff that comprises 10+ NSG commandos and police officers. Every commando has received expert training in martial arts and hand-to-hand combative fighting. 

Such security cover has been granted to leaders such as BJP President Amit Shah, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Union Finance Minister, and a few other individuals.

Z Security

The country’s next elite degree of security is the Z Security, with a 22-member defense group comprised of 4-5 NSG operatives and police officials. Individuals from the Police Authorities, the Indo-Tibetan Police (ITBP), or the CRPF are given Z-level protection, as well as an escort vehicle. 

Baba Ramdev and actor Aamir Khan are a couple of recognized figures who have been assigned Z Security protection.

Y Security

In India, it is regarded as the fourth degree of security. The security force comprises an 11-person team comprised of 1-2 NSG commandos and police officers. There are also 2 Private Security Officers (PSOs). There are many individuals across the country to receive this level of security.

X Security

This is the Country’s 5th major security category. The X-degree protective service comprises 2 security professionals, both of whom are armed officers. It is supplied to many citizens of the country by one Personal Security Officer.

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