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Axis Bluechip Fund Direct Growth

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Investing in the stock market can be a tricky business. With constantly fluctuating prices and conditions, it can be hard to decide whether or not to make an investment. But one of the funds that has stood out among others over the years is the Axis Bluechip Fund.

Axis Bluechip Fund Direct Growth

This fund is designed to provide steady growth with a focus on mid- and large-cap companies, which are generally considered the safest options when investing in stocks. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what makes the Axis Bluechip Fund so attractive and how you can benefit from it as an investor.

What is the Axis Bluechip Fund Direct Growth?

The Axis Bluechip Fund Direct Growth is a mutual fund that invests in large-cap stocks. The fund’s objective is to provide long-term capital appreciation. The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of blue-chip stocks that are leaders in their respective industries. The fund is managed by experienced professionals who have a deep understanding of the companies in which they invest. The fund has a low expense ratio and has outperformed its benchmark, the S&P 500, over the long term.

The Different Types of Axis Bluechip Funds

There are four different types of Axis Bluechip Funds: Equity, Debt, Hybrid, and International.

1. Equity: This type of fund invests in stocks and is therefore subject to market risk. However, it has the potential to provide high returns over the long term.

2. Debt: This type of fund invests in bonds and is less volatile than equity funds. However, it also has lower returns potential.

3. Hybrid: This type of fund combines both equity and debt investments, providing diversification and moderate returns.

4. International: This type of fund invests in foreign stocks, providing exposure to a broader range of markets. However, it is subject to currency risk.

Pros and Cons of the Axis Bluechip Fund

The Axis Bluechip Fund is one of the most popular equity mutual funds in India. The fund was launched in 2005 and has since delivered consistent returns, outperforming its benchmark index, the Nifty 50, by a wide margin.

However, like all investment products, the Axis Bluechip Fund comes with its own set of pros and cons that investors should be aware of before investing.

Some of the key pros of investing in the Axis Bluechip Fund include:

1) Diversified portfolio: The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of large-cap stocks across various sectors. This helps to minimize risk and maximize returns for investors.

2) Experienced fund management team: The fund is managed by a team of experienced professionals with a proven track record in delivering superior returns.

3) Low expense ratio: The expense ratio of the Axis Bluechip Fund is one of the lowest in its category, which makes it an efficient investment option.

Some of the key cons of investing in the Axis Bluechip Fund include: 1) High minimum investment amount: The minimum investment amount for the Axis Bluechip Fund is Rs 5 lakhs, which might be unaffordable for some investors. 2) Lock-in period: There is a three-year lock-in period for investments made in the Axis Bluechip Fund.

This means that investors cannot withdraw their money before this period is over. 3) Risk profile: Although the fund has delivered consistent returns,

What are the benefits of the Axis Bluechip Fund?

When it comes to investment, there are always pros and cons of different schemes. So, before investing your hard-earned money into any scheme, it is very important to do a thorough research about it. The same goes for mutual funds as well. In this article, let’s discuss the Axis Bluechip Fund in detail.

Axis Bluechip Fund is an open-ended equity scheme that was launched by Axis Mutual Fund on 30th January, 2007. The objective of this fund is to generate long-term capital appreciation from a diversified basket of large and blue chip stocks. This fund is suitable for investors with a moderate risk appetite who are looking for capital growth over the long term.

The scheme predominantly invests in large cap stocks and has a track record of outperforming its benchmark index, Nifty50, since its inception. As per the latest data (as on 31st March, 2020), the fund has given a return of 15.57% since its inception whereas Nifty50 has given a return of 11.45% during the same period.

The major advantage of investing in this fund is that it offers diversification benefits as it invests across sectors and companies with different market capitalizations. This helps to mitigate sectoral and company-specific risks to some extent.

Moreover, since the fund invests mostly in large cap stocks, it tends to be less volatile as compared to other equity schemes such as mid cap or small cap funds.

How to invest in the Axis Bluechip Fund

If you are looking for a mutual fund to invest your money in, the Axis Bluechip Fund is a great option. This fund aims to provide investors with long-term capital growth by investing in large and well-established companies.

To invest in the Axis Bluechip Fund, you can either do so through a broker or directly with the fund house. If you choose to go through a broker, you will need to pay a commission. However, if you invest directly with the fund house, there are no commissions or fees charged.

The minimum investment amount for the Axis Bluechip Fund is Rs. 5,000. You can make additional investments in increments of Rs. 1,000. The cut-off time for investing is 3:00 pm IST on all business days.

If you are looking for long-term capital growth and are willing to take on some risk, then investing in the Axis Bluechip Fund is a good choice for you.

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