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Sunday, September 8, 2024

List of Road Safety Rules in India

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In India, there are approximately 22 vehicles for every 1000 people. Even though this proportion is a quarter of what it is in nations such as the United States and the United Kingdom, it nevertheless indicates a huge amount of automobiles when assessing India’s populace. Given the amount of traffic on the country’s highways, traffic officials frequently confront enormous challenges in preserving law and order.

List of Road Safety Rules in India

Often novice motorists are uninformed of these restrictions, while some blatantly disregard them without regard for the safety of others. If you expect to start driving in the next few days, the following are some basic regulations you should be aware of, as well as the consequences of breaking them.

The following are a few of the more prevalent traffic rules that every motorist in the nation ought to be aware of. They are also a few of the regulations that are most frequently violated.

Do Not Drink & Drive

This rule is by far the most commonly violated and more grave since it results in a maximum number of drunk-driving traffic accidents. The current legal blood alcohol limit for driving is 0.03 percent, which really is proportional to 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 ml of blood.

If a person fails this BAC test, he or she may be penalized for Rs.2000 and Rs.10000, depending on the ultimate blood alcohol limit. Furthermore, these offenders may well be punished with jail terms extending from 7 months to 4 years.

Always Have a Vehicle Insurance

All automobiles in India must have proper third-party vehicle insurance coverage under all circumstances, as stipulated by the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988. If you are not cautious and your insurance coverage expires, you may face penalties for operating a vehicle without such coverage.

Always Wear Seatbelts in a Car

If you’re a novice at riding, make fastening the seat belt the first item you do when you board your car. This will not only assist you in avoiding traffic offenses, but it will also save your life in the event of an accident. If you are discovered traveling without a seat belt over the hips and shoulders, traffic officers can punish you up to Rs.1000 on the spot for this offense.

Always Wear Helmet on a Bike

When driving a two-wheeler, one should always wear a helmet. One important thing to note here is that the legislation requires all persons riding a two-wheeler to wear helmets, including the driver. Punishment for violation of this law includes penalties of up to Rs.1000. In extreme situations, traffic officials may choose to revoke your license for up to three months.

Do Not Use Phone While Driving

According to the revised Motor Vehicle laws, which go into force on October 1, 2020, motorists can only use their smartphones as navigational instruments while behind the wheel.  If you are discovered using your phone in any other way while riding, you might face a fine of up to Rs.5000.  These traffic offenders face a one-year jail term as well.

Never Exceed Speed Limit

Motorists must never violate the specified speed limits on the roads, as practicing so will aggravate traffic authorities.

Obey Traffic Light & Signals

If you do not want to face fines of up to Rs.5000 and a one-year jail term, ensure you obey all traffic signals when driving, especially if you are in a rush.

These are a few of the more fundamental traffic regulations for motorists to understand. 

Also Read: Top Up Insurance Plans and Their Benefits

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